Fine ARTichoke Blog

Want to Do a No-Fail Real Painting? Try Paint-B...
What is Paint by Numbers? This simplified approach to painting allows anyone to unleash their creativity regardless of talent or experience. Paint by numbers is an inexpensive kit that includes...
Want to Do a No-Fail Real Painting? Try Paint-B...
What is Paint by Numbers? This simplified approach to painting allows anyone to unleash their creativity regardless of talent or experience. Paint by numbers is an inexpensive kit that includes...

The Process of Creating a Painting of a Home fr...
What are your best childhood memories? Chances are you thought of your grandparents' home. How would you like to have a painting of your grandparents' home or your childhood home...
The Process of Creating a Painting of a Home fr...
What are your best childhood memories? Chances are you thought of your grandparents' home. How would you like to have a painting of your grandparents' home or your childhood home...

How to Make Your Own Painting On Top of a Thrif...
If you want to make your own art but trying a "real" painting sounds too overwhelming, this is a nothing-to-lose place to start! All you need are some basic acrylic paints (these are water...
How to Make Your Own Painting On Top of a Thrif...
If you want to make your own art but trying a "real" painting sounds too overwhelming, this is a nothing-to-lose place to start! All you need are some basic acrylic paints (these are water...

Tips For Framing and Using Children's Art in Yo...
Kid art makes some of the best art!!!
Tips For Framing and Using Children's Art in Yo...
Kid art makes some of the best art!!!